Questions 61-66 accompany the following excerpt of a string quartet.
61. This excerpt begins with which musical element?
(A) Appoggiatura
(B) Anacrusis
(C) Arpeggio
(D) Anticipation
62. The key of the excerpt is best identified as
(A) C Major
(B) Bb Major
(C) G minor
(D) F Major
63. What chord occurs on the downbeat of measure 101?
(A) V7
(B) V
(C) ii7
(D) vii°7
64. What is most likely the time signature of this excerpt?
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 6 (D) 3
4 2 8 8
65. Which of the following figures prominently throughout the excerpt?
(A) Arpeggiation
(B) Use of suspensions
(C) Secondary dominant chords
(D) Syncopation
66. The cadence in measures 105-106 signals a shift to the key of the
(A) dominant
(B) relative minor
(C) parallel minor
(D) subdominant