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Founded in 1999,  moved to Vancouver in 2007, she is one of the top music schools with her professional system on Vancouver's musical education marketing.

We focus on your music education especially on the Royal Conservatory of Music Examination System of Canada (RCM) and ABRSM, as well as AP Music Theory, our Unique featured course offered around the Vancouver area, for those students in university study.

We taught so many successful students these years who came from York House, Crofton House, St. Georges, Collingwood, Mulgrave, Pacific Academy, and Southridge of the Whole great Vancouver area and Victoria of Islands. Most of them not only get his/her highest achievements in performance fields but also in music theory courses from Basic Rudiments to ARCT level even for some subjects of university requirements.

Teachers are our inestimable treasures who came from all over the world with Master or Doctoral degrees in Musical Performance, Musicology, Composition, and all related majors. They put their hearts into our programs to ensure our students reach success step by step, daily by daily, and year after year always that we did.

Join us and we hope you have a nice academic trip!



这些年大温地区已有多位学生获得RCM各级考试90分以上的好成绩,且有不少学生的分数拿到满分。这些学生多数就读于各个著名的私校,如大温地区的York House, Crofton House, St. Georges, Collingwood, Mulgrave以及素里白石的Pacific Academy, Southridge等等。这些年已有不少学生进入美国UCLA, MIT等名校,以及加拿大McGill, U of Toronto, U of Calgary, SFU, UBC等大学继续深造。

每年都有学生在这里接受报考音乐学院各专业之前的密集培训,老师和学生经过不断地努力最终取得了UBC, U of Toronto, SFU等等大学音乐学院入学的许可,从而走向专业音乐的道路,近几年录取的有世界著名的曼哈顿音乐学院、伯克利音乐学院、伊斯特曼音乐学院,以及美加多所大学音乐学院,例如多伦多大学音乐学院、芝加哥大学音乐学院等等。



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