Questions 55-58 are based on the following four-part harmonic example. There are four errors in this excerpt that do not adhere to strict eighteenth-century guidelines for doubling, spacing, and voice leading. Choose the answer that best describes the errors in the indicated chords.
55. Box 1 contains
(A) crossed voices
(B) an error in spacing
(C) an unresolved chordal seventh
(D) parallel fifths
56. The error at chord 2 is
(A) crossed voices
(B) an incorrect chord member
(C) overlapping voices
(D) a direct octave
57. The error at chord 3 is
(A) an error in spacing that is the result of parallel fifths
(B) crossed voices
(C) an improperly doubled chord also resulting in a direct octave
(D) an incorrect chord member
58. Box 4 contains
(A) crossed voices
(B) an improperly resolved leading tone
(C) an incorrect chord member
(D) parallel octaves